Sunday, March 28, 2010

Success Story 1: Guy shoes

For about the past 4 months the bf has been shopping around for new tennies. (Unless you run in them, they are tennies.) Collectively I don't even want to think about how many pairs we've looked at. It should be noted that there were many requirements for these tennies. Couldn't be flashy, no funny straps, no weird colors, converse-like...and the list went on. Here are a couple that were on the list:

PF Flyers made a recent comeback. They will forever be awesome in my eyes because Benny wore them in The Sandlot.

I suggested these ASICS, they come in tons of different color options, but he wasn't sold.

I immediately noticed this pair of tennies at Aldo but the bf, always the skeptic, wasn't loving them. I suggested trying them on and giving them a chance. I now have my first official success story to report on this blog! Behold, the coolest tennies I've seen all year.
They have the coolest texture that makes it look like chain mesh. It's hard to describe, but they are awesome.

Side note: I tried to get him to wear the shoes in this picture but he declined. So, this picture will have to suffice.

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